BSE (Breast Self-Check) In Men

April 25th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply »

Male breast cancer? Indeed, this is not common because the majority of breast cancer in women. But do not be surprised if it turns out men can also develop breast cancer.
In the United States, the number of men who develop breast cancer by 1900 people, it is a much smaller number than that suffered by women, but even so the men also should take precautions against this disease. Similarly in women, breast cancer in men also have signs and symptoms that can be observed in private and with the help of a doctor. Among the many signs are the most easily recognized is the emergence of a mass or lump in the breast and a change in the nipple. In male breast cancer is usually just appears without the pain, there is a mass / lump usually on subareola and very rarely on the outer upper quadrant. Breast cancer in men is more common in the left breast from the right and less than 1% of cases occur in both.
Another symptom is the presence of nipple retraction, nipple or skin lesions, discoloration of the skin and muscle where the cancer, the lump texture, and appearance of glands in the armpit area clearly. Nearly 40-50 percent of breast cancer cases in men are marked changes in the nipple but not to bleed as well as breast cancer in men.
Breast cancer in men as serious as breast cancer in women so do not let you wait to see her doctor if the symptoms and signs as above. Because most men are generally waiting and wishing these symptoms will disappear by itself. The faster diagnosed untreated then chances will be even greater. Thus, BSE (breast self-check) is not just for women but also apply to men.


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